This was a really cool & dark game. The tree seemed to have no remorse for anything but maybe the tree doesn't have feelings at all. Maybe it's behaving based on natural instincts. Also, I believe the Mom is the tree (my own conspiracy). Overall, this game was really good! Good job!
I loved the artstyle of this Game and this special style of Storytelling.
How the tree feels no remorse is also really interesting since trees in the real world act similarly, they do anything to get what they need to survive
(Apparently also off little girls)
Really amazing game hope to see more of you and your projects in the future.
I really liked this game and your previous game, I hope to see your big project someday! The game reminded me of Fran Bow, especially the bug is very similar to what was in the game... 😊❤️
The main and operating character was supposed to be a walking tree, but I became emotionally attached to a little girl who lived in a house along the way.
The way the girl's story is shown is wonderful, and conversely, the contrast of the walking tree's story not being told at all is interesting.
It made me desperately call out to the girl as I was playing the game, "Run!" I called out to the girl to run away.
It was so impressive that I kept thinking about this game even after I finished playing it.
pfft... I didn't cry. This didn't make me sad, of course not. My eyes are just sweaty, okay?
But no, fr this made me feel emotions and the art WAS JUST DELIGHTFUL! I absolutely adore this SO MUCH! <3
But it was really sad when reading the letters between the mother and child, and also, the baby bird's mum died in front of him and I cried from then on.
I really loved the art design and the game give me vibes of Franbow and Little Miss Fortune. I hope you this is the start of something bigger in the future.
Playable in 10 minutes, but I spent 2 days theorizing wild ideas about the inspiration behind the tree, what happened to a character in the game, and more. Loved the aesthetic and how open the game is to interpretation.
Amazing!! I really love your analysis, how in depth you explored the story and the execution of the whole video in general!! Thanks so much for playing my game. Looking forward to more of your videos :)
This was a gorgeous and magical experience, very melancholic but I loved the animations and puzzles, it’s such a lovely little game that fits perfectly into the autumn season. And the soundtrack, my gosh, lovely! Absolutely wonderful from top to bottom.
Even though the game was short it still managed to pull off a rich atmosphere. The art style was the perfect mix between what could only be described as a slightly uncanny traditional children's book. Great job.
Your game was reeally my taste! I love it! Since I played one room before, I felt the same atmosphere from this game and noticed the same creator! Thank you so much! I followed you~!
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tree be like: can I please have a glass of water
This was a really cool & dark game. The tree seemed to have no remorse for anything but maybe the tree doesn't have feelings at all. Maybe it's behaving based on natural instincts. Also, I believe the Mom is the tree (my own conspiracy). Overall, this game was really good! Good job!
I loved the artstyle of this Game and this special style of Storytelling.
How the tree feels no remorse is also really interesting since trees in the real world act similarly, they do anything to get what they need to survive
(Apparently also off little girls)
Really amazing game hope to see more of you and your projects in the future.
A very Fran Bow feel. Love its short but dark concept. Nicely done.
My first thought when I see the girl was "Can I kill the kid".
very nice game . I really enjoyed playing it , also the bug hahahaha . check my game if you can sir.
I really liked this game and your previous game, I hope to see your big project someday! The game reminded me of Fran Bow, especially the bug is very similar to what was in the game... 😊❤️
Thanks so much! More projects in the works :)
i loved this game!
it's crazy how you can tell there is a complete story about this universe even if the game is short
i want to know more about the girl and everything around, i'd be so glad if you made another games or stories about this!!
(plus, the atmosphere and the art is so creative, you can tell it is THIS game just by seeing this original art!
You're very kind thank you!
i loved this! i didn't expect this ending and i was sad for the girl.. :'(
The main and operating character was supposed to be a walking tree, but I became emotionally attached to a little girl who lived in a house along the way.
The way the girl's story is shown is wonderful, and conversely, the contrast of the walking tree's story not being told at all is interesting.
It made me desperately call out to the girl as I was playing the game, "Run!" I called out to the girl to run away.
It was so impressive that I kept thinking about this game even after I finished playing it.
Thank you for your video! I love it & I appreciate you!
pfft... I didn't cry. This didn't make me sad, of course not.
My eyes are just sweaty, okay?But no, fr this made me feel emotions and the art WAS JUST DELIGHTFUL! I absolutely adore this SO MUCH! <3
But it was really sad when reading the letters between the mother and child, and also, the baby bird's mum died in front of him and I cried from then on.
thank you, glad you enjoyed ♡
i love this game
<3 love the vibes, i'll be looking forward to anything else you might decide to make!
cute game
I really loved the art design and the game give me vibes of Franbow and Little Miss Fortune. I hope you this is the start of something bigger in the future.
Thank you for making this
I love the art of the game.
I love this game and I would like to volunteer to translate them into Turkish so that my Turkish friends can play them. How can I contact you?
a work of art
I was really impressed with the pathfinding in the mouse maze section! The art is really nice too, it reminds me of Fran Bow ^^
I love the art of the game.
A great little story about a thirsty tree :)
Very curious and well done art game.
This was so sad but so great
I love it 1000000000/10 wow
Playable in 10 minutes, but I spent 2 days theorizing wild ideas about the inspiration behind the tree, what happened to a character in the game, and more. Loved the aesthetic and how open the game is to interpretation.
Amazing!! I really love your analysis, how in depth you explored the story and the execution of the whole video in general!! Thanks so much for playing my game. Looking forward to more of your videos :)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked the video, and it was such a pleasure playing your game!
Reminds me of Fran Bow
The game was very fun and interesting :)
I.... wasn't expecting that at all....
I hope trees don't do that in real life.
I binged this yesterday, major Franbow vibes, I adored it.
This was a gorgeous and magical experience, very melancholic but I loved the animations and puzzles, it’s such a lovely little game that fits perfectly into the autumn season. And the soundtrack, my gosh, lovely! Absolutely wonderful from top to bottom.
Thank you so much! I enjoyed your video and interpretation of the story! Glad you enjoyed & thank you for playing :)
Even though the game was short it still managed to pull off a rich atmosphere. The art style was the perfect mix between what could only be described as a slightly uncanny traditional children's book. Great job.
Thank you!
youtube algorithm led me hear and it is 1 am in the morning
Yes I remember you! Thank you for the follow. Great video as always!
Hello Yacchu! I sent you an email with a free key to my new game! Let me know if you received it. Thank you for playing Tree & One Room :)